Degrees & Certificates
MLIS, Librarianship (in-progress)
Certificate in Special Collections Librarianship
Emphasis on Academic Librarianship
University of Iowa
MA, English
Certificate in Literary Publishing
University of Northern Iowa, May 2024
BA, English with Highest Honors
Lewis University, May 2020
BA, Secondary Education with Highest Honors
Lewis University, May 2020
AA with Honors
Waubonsee Community College, May 2017
Select Presentations
Luther College Writers Festival
Date: 22 September 2023
Title: “Publishing Panel with Keith Pilapil Lesmeister, Denton Loving, Jeremy Schraffenberger, and Jake Volk”
28th Annual St. Francis Writer's Conference
Date: 16 November 2019
Title: “Pedagogy of the Pre-Raphaelites: Art Criticism, Historiography, and Literature as in Interdisciplinary Curriculum”
International Gothic Association Conference
Date: 31 July 2019
Title: “Madness in the Highlands: Gendered Settings in Anne Radcliffe's The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne (1789)”
Select Publications
Windows Fine Arts Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 40, 2020
Award: First Place
Category: Creative Nonfiction Essay
Title: “Marks Engraved”
Windows Fine Arts Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 40, 2020
Award: Honorary Mention
Category: Poetry
Title: “Natural Distraction”
Windows Fine Arts Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 38, 2018
Award: Second Place
Category: Poetry
Title: “Elegy of White and Sable”